3sky's notes

Minimal blog about IT

Jenkins and submodules

2021-04-02 2 min read 3sky
Welcome That will be a short post, rather full of my pain and frustration. Fortunately with happy-end and topic for a small article. Problem GitHub has some problems with service accounts for CI/CD usage. At least in Free Plan. You can’t share deployment keys like for example in GitLab. I can understand that in the context of security, but If you have 4,5, or 15 repositories, you need to manage the same numbers of ssh key pairs. Continue reading

2021's Plans, Jenkins plugin and Emacs

2021-01-09 5 min read 3sky
Welcome How are you? I hope 2021 starts at least such good as for me. Even without the New Year Party. Maybe you noticed that I deleted the cookbook section, and it’s all about splitting topics. It’s a tech blog, the rest of my hobbies need separated space. I hope you like this idea. After a few words let’s begin. 2021 Plans 10 months of writing, 12 posts I can say that I really like this. Continue reading