3sky's notes

Minimal blog about IT

Move to my own domain with OVH and Netlify

2020-11-15 5 min read 3sky
Welcome Long time no see. Due to the last 2 months, I had some changes in my personal life. I’ve become a Solution Architect in a nice polish company. If you or your friends need some RedHat implementation here is the link. What will change here? I hope nothing. Still a lot of CI/CD topics, more Kubernetes(with OpenShift), maybe some serverless with Knative and quarkus. Ahh and some new tools. Linode as a cloud service and Pulumi as Terafrom’s replacement. Continue reading

Go app on Kubernetes from scrach

2020-08-20 6 min read 3sky
Welcome I like GitHub Actions, I like Kubernetes and I want to learn more about Helm. So maybe I should join these tools and make a smooth pipeline? Why not? Also, I switched to Fedora, and that’s a great moment to checkout Podman in action. No time to wait, let’s go. Tools used in this episode GitHub Action Podman Kubernetes Terraform Helm GCP A bit of Golang :) Build the app The first step is building a small app. Continue reading

Why I need VIM?

2020-04-10 5 min read 3sky
+++ draft = false date = 2020-04-10T20:30:02Z title = “Why I need VIM?” description = “Short story about legendary tool” topics = [“Tools”] +++ Welcome During quarantine, I expected to have more time. Unfortunately I fall in love with making Neapolitan Style pizza, sourdough based bread, and homemade tortillas. However, also I decided to master VIM. But why? I would like to explain it in a few words. What’s is VIM Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. Continue reading

Build your onw GitHub Action

2020-03-26 7 min read 3sky
Welcome Sometimes age I started using GitHub Actions. It’s fast, simple, easy to configure. There isn’t a lot of fancy configuration options like for example in Jenkins, but if someone has neat, container-based pipelines, Actions are worth considering CI/CD system. But what this Actions really mean? Actions are mostly community written code that is responsible for activities like, pushing image, sending the notification, checking source code. There are two options for developers: Bash and JavaScript. Continue reading

Clojure app on Google Cloud Run

2020-03-18 10 min read 3sky
Welcome I want to create a small pipeline based on GCP Run and GitHub Action. Also increasing skills while #statathome is the best possible solution for spending time. Let’s make some real stuff. Tools used in this episode Google Cloud Platform Terraform Docker Clojure Github Action Google Cloud Platform Why Google Cloud Platform I like Web GUI, command-line tools, GKE. I also have some credits to use. Cloud Run is very nice and cheap for a one-docker small app. Continue reading

Build grammarbot client in Go

2020-03-10 8 min read 3sky
Welcome While working with grammarbot, I decided to create my own command-line tool/client for working with API. As a language, I have chosen Golang. After that, I have added GitHub Action and gsutil. Also, I have configured Telegrams bot for notification purpose. Sounds like fun? For me definitely. So stop writing, and show me your code. Tools used in this episode Go grammarbot.io API GitHub Action GCP Telegram Go Go is an open-source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. Continue reading

Continuous integration/testing for static blog

2020-03-10 5 min read 3sky
Welcome In a previous post, I created a static blog with a basic CD. Now I need to add some CI. Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository several times a day. Each check-in is then verified by an automated build, allowing teams to detect problems early. Why it’s mandatory? Because of my grammar errors, formatting errors, and general errors. Nobody wants to have typos, broken markdown content on the official blog page. Continue reading
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