3sky's notes

Minimal blog about IT

Simplify the networking with VPC Lattice

2023-04-08 8 min read 3sky
Welcome I started writing this on April 7th, 2023, a few weeks after the release of VPC Lattice (although it’s not yet available everywhere). I was curious about what it is and what it’s supposed to do, so I asked ChatGPT. For now we need to rely on documentation As there isn’t much information available yet, I’ll rely on the official documentation for now. According to the documentation, “Amazon VPC Lattice is a fully managed application networking service that you use to connect, secure, and monitor all of your services across multiple accounts and virtual private clouds (VPCs). Continue reading

Can you use ECS without DevOps

2023-03-16 9 min read 3sky
Welcome Use your imagination and assume that some team was encouraged to migrate from Azure AppService. It was a decision at a high level, so the small dev team needs to migrate into AWS. What’s the issue you can ask? They have no experience with Amazon Web Services, also they don’t have a “DevOps” person. The app is a JAR file. AppService allowed them to put a file into the service and run it on production, without any issues. Continue reading