3sky's notes

Minimal blog about IT

OneDev on ECS

2024-09-15 7 min read Kuba Wołynko
Welcome At the beginning of September, I saw a post from Johannes Koch about self-hosting CodeCommit alternative. Then I realized, that I’m using my home, not such a popular, but very nice and solid git repository system. To be more precise, much more than a git server. Let’s welcome OneDev. Git server with CI/CD, kanban, and packages. They also support repo tags, and groups like GitLab. The project is also very resource-friendly, and I’ve been using it for a while on my home server. Continue reading

Meetings on demand

2024-07-24 7 min read Kuba Wołynko
Welcome Yesterday I decided to solve another, probably non-existent problem. So for quite a long time, I was looking for a solution that would allow me to schedule meetings with friends, family, and clients (the custom domain looks very professional). Most of them are paid every month. Which in my case is not a very cost-effective solution, if I have one meeting per month, sometimes two. Also let’s assume, that being an AI learning material for Google, or Zoom isn’t my dream position. Continue reading

Install Keycloak on ECS

2024-06-20 10 min read Kuba Wołynko
Welcome If you have read my latest post about accessing RHEL in the cloud, you may notice that we’re accessing the cockpit console, via SSM Session manager port forwarding. That’s not an ideal solution. I’m not talking in bed, it’s just not ideal(but cheap). Today I realised that using Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser could be interesting, and fun as well. Unfortunately, this solution required an Identity Provider, which can serve us with SAML 2. Continue reading

Manage my cheap TLD with Route53

2024-06-16 5 min read Kuba Wołynko
Welcome While writing a post about setting up Keycloak, which should be live this month(it’s a bit harder, than I thought), I decided that it would be great to use my custom domain and play with it as well. As having sso.3sky.in looks cool, also unexpectedly it’s quite cheap. But why do I need it? It’s like 10$ per domain. Yes and no. One of the Community Builder program benefits is a voucher for 500$ which can be used within a year, on AWS services. Continue reading

rhel on cloud

2024-05-23 9 min read Kuba Wolynko
Let’s talk about basic IT operations included in the everyday tasks range. For example, accessing VMs. As you may realize (or not) - not everyone is using immutable infrastructure. Especially when their core business isn’t IT, and they are a bit bigger than 2-pizza team. That is why today we will talk about accessing the console of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.3 in AWS Cloud. I will show you the 3 most useful methods - in my opinion; there are no statistics. Continue reading

EDA for AWS operations

2024-03-19 8 min read Kuba Wolynko
Welcome Great that you’re here. Today, I will write a bit about Event-Driven Ansible and its possibilities for improving the operational efficiency of our AWS environment. But wait, what does it mean by Event-Driven Ansible? My favorite sentence from the documentation is “EDA provides a way of codifying operational logic,” so in short words, we can code logic for responding to different events. For example, we can trigger playbook execution with Lambdas make our self-service process a bit more ops-oriented, or introduce ChatOps. Continue reading

Local automation

2024-02-29 6 min read 3sky
Welcome Once again I have a goal, write every month at least one article. Sounds easy, but unfortunately for me, it is not. The idea behind this blog is to write content that will be helpful for me(and hopefully for my readers as well). For example, when I need basic Nginx configuration I used to open this post from 2021. Now I’m older a bit, so I decided to switch once again to Doom Emacs(? Continue reading
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