3sky's notes

Minimal blog about IT

rhel on cloud

2024-05-23 9 min read Kuba Wolynko
Let’s talk about basic IT operations included in the everyday tasks range. For example, accessing VMs. As you may realize (or not) - not everyone is using immutable infrastructure. Especially when their core business isn’t IT, and they are a bit bigger than 2-pizza team. That is why today we will talk about accessing the console of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.3 in AWS Cloud. I will show you the 3 most useful methods - in my opinion; there are no statistics. Continue reading

Local automation

2024-02-29 6 min read 3sky
Welcome Once again I have a goal, write every month at least one article. Sounds easy, but unfortunately for me, it is not. The idea behind this blog is to write content that will be helpful for me(and hopefully for my readers as well). For example, when I need basic Nginx configuration I used to open this post from 2021. Now I’m older a bit, so I decided to switch once again to Doom Emacs(? Continue reading