3sky's notes

Minimal blog about IT

rhel on cloud

2024-05-23 9 min read Kuba Wolynko
Let’s talk about basic IT operations included in the everyday tasks range. For example, accessing VMs. As you may realize (or not) - not everyone is using immutable infrastructure. Especially when their core business isn’t IT, and they are a bit bigger than 2-pizza team. That is why today we will talk about accessing the console of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.3 in AWS Cloud. I will show you the 3 most useful methods - in my opinion; there are no statistics. Continue reading

DNS as code

2024-05-20 8 min read Kuba Wolynko
Welcome Looks like I have 10 days to create 2 blog posts. To be open, it’s another attempt to become a creator, who makes at least 12 posts per year. Also, I decided, to make my write-ups a bit shorter and focused on one particular topic. That is why, today I will show you how to migrate existing Cloudflare configuration into OpenTofu manifests and make it even more cool with Scalr. Continue reading

EDA for AWS operations

2024-03-19 8 min read Kuba Wolynko
Welcome Great that you’re here. Today, I will write a bit about Event-Driven Ansible and its possibilities for improving the operational efficiency of our AWS environment. But wait, what does it mean by Event-Driven Ansible? My favorite sentence from the documentation is “EDA provides a way of codifying operational logic,” so in short words, we can code logic for responding to different events. For example, we can trigger playbook execution with Lambdas make our self-service process a bit more ops-oriented, or introduce ChatOps. Continue reading